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Henrik Walker Moe

22 innlegg

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3 steps to improving your GitHub-experience

Open source
Artikkel (2 min)
Fra Henrik Walker Moe

By helping others help you, you're setting yourself up for less friction. Here are 3 steps towards making the whole experience as smooth as possible 😀

Interview with Olivier Tassinari

Open source
Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Henrik Walker Moe

Today's interview is with @olivtassinari. Olivier is a developer and the co-creator of the UI component library for React: Material-UI.

Open source on Twitter

Open source
Artikkel (2 min)
Fra Henrik Walker Moe

Contributing to Open source often requires a healthy dose of inspiration. By following accounts on Twitter that focus on the subjects that the most matter to you, you might find the inspiration you seek.

How to contribute to Open source

Open source
Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Henrik Walker Moe

We think Open Source is such an important part of a developer’s life that we’ve devoted an entire advent calendar to the subject! For a lot of developers, the thought of putting your code or ideas out there for the whole community to see, can be daunting. Once you get the hang of it and get more comfortable though, it has a tendency to drag you in. Let's start by going through your first steps towards your first contribution together.

Content Security Policy

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Henrik Walker Moe

Use Content Security Policy (CSP) headers to prevent loading of untrusted resources and mitigate cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks

Predictable HTTP-responses

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Henrik Walker Moe

If your API has sensitive endpoints which returns different HTTP-responses given user action A or B, then this information is enough to infer user information which can be exploited. Learning from Tinder, let's investigate why having non-deterministic HTTP-responses are important and try to make our most business-critical API-endpoints more secure.

Forgot password - your chance to shine, or fail

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Henrik Walker Moe

Make an effort on User Experience and security awareness when implementing "Forgot password", and avoid exposing sensitive user information