Henrik Walker Moe
22 innlegg
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Er du klar for en post-kvantekryptografisk verden?
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) er et uttrykk du kommer til å høre mer om fremover. Idag er ikke kvantedatamaskinene kraftige nok til å utgjøre en trussel mot dagens kryptografi, men det spås å endre seg mot slutten av tiåret. Tiltak vi gjør idag kan gi oss smidighet og kunnskap for å møte det som kommer. Hvordan gjør vi oss klare for PQC?
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) er et uttrykk du kommer til å høre mer om fremover. Idag er ikke kvantedatamaskinene kraftige nok til å utgjøre en trussel mot dagens kryptografi, men det spås å endre seg mot slutten av tiåret. Tiltak vi gjør idag kan gi oss smidighet og kunnskap for å møte det som kommer. Hvordan gjør vi oss klare for PQC?
Bli en sikkerhetsutvikler!
Det meldes jevnlig om nye sikkerhetshendelser, og det er ingen tvil om at sikkerhet har fått fast plass på dagsorden. Likevel kan det være utfordrende å få prioritert sikkerhet i hverdagen. Som et steg i riktig retning, må vi begynne å bevege oss bort fra at sikkerhet ses på som en "av-og-til"-aktivitet og mot at det jobbes med kontinuerlig.
Det meldes jevnlig om nye sikkerhetshendelser, og det er ingen tvil om at sikkerhet har fått fast plass på dagsorden. Likevel kan det være utfordrende å få prioritert sikkerhet i hverdagen. Som et steg i riktig retning, må vi begynne å bevege oss bort fra at sikkerhet ses på som en "av-og-til"-aktivitet og mot at det jobbes med kontinuerlig.
Luksusfellen for utviklere er å ignorere sikkerhetsgjeld
Produktet du ikke vedlikeholder er en voksende sikkerhetsrisiko som fort kan utvikle seg til å bli en kostbar affære.
Produktet du ikke vedlikeholder er en voksende sikkerhetsrisiko som fort kan utvikle seg til å bli en kostbar affære.
Uansvarlig produktutvikling vil straffe seg
Lar du ferdige IT-prosjekter ligge og råtne fordi du ikke har råd til vedlikehold? Det kommer til å koste deg.
Lar du ferdige IT-prosjekter ligge og råtne fordi du ikke har råd til vedlikehold? Det kommer til å koste deg.
Key learnings from working on privacy in contact tracing
In today's post I'll share key lessons from my journey in implementing Anonymous Tokens and integrating it in Norway's contact tracing app "Smittestopp". Privacy and transparency, especially in government IT, is vital for gaining citizens' trust - and is here to stay. Therefore I'll share some success factors and my takeaways with you.
In today's post I'll share key lessons from my journey in implementing Anonymous Tokens and integrating it in Norway's contact tracing app "Smittestopp". Privacy and transparency, especially in government IT, is vital for gaining citizens' trust - and is here to stay. Therefore I'll share some success factors and my takeaways with you.
Anonymous Tokens for Private Contact Tracing
In a chaotic, pandemic-ridden 2020, we've seen a heated debate on the need for efficient contact tracing that still respects privacy. There are many aspects to this debate — this blog post covers how one can submit data anonymously, while still providing a verifiably authentic upload token.
In a chaotic, pandemic-ridden 2020, we've seen a heated debate on the need for efficient contact tracing that still respects privacy. There are many aspects to this debate — this blog post covers how one can submit data anonymously, while still providing a verifiably authentic upload token.
Privacy Pass: Anonymous Tokens on the Web
We discussed elliptic curves earlier this month. Today, we look at how to use those to make the internet a bit more user friendly.
We discussed elliptic curves earlier this month. Today, we look at how to use those to make the internet a bit more user friendly.
Have a merry open source Christmas!
And here we are, it's Christmas! We hope you've enjoyed reading Bekk's Open source advent calendar this December.
And here we are, it's Christmas! We hope you've enjoyed reading Bekk's Open source advent calendar this December.
Open source + Svalbard Global Seed Vault: Artic Code Vault
The seed vault just got a new neighbour - Open source is moving in and plans on staying for the long haul
The seed vault just got a new neighbour - Open source is moving in and plans on staying for the long haul
GitHub, and what else?
So we've all mostly heard about GitHub, right? But did you know there are other thriving open source hosting platforms out there?
So we've all mostly heard about GitHub, right? But did you know there are other thriving open source hosting platforms out there?
Interview with Saloni Garg
Today's interview is with the winner of Women In Open Source Award 2019 by Red Hat: @salonigarg_! Saloni is also a Computer Science undergrad, a Mozilla Open Leader and a Google Venkat Scholar. We're both honored and excited to talk with Saloni about Open source!
Today's interview is with the winner of Women In Open Source Award 2019 by Red Hat: @salonigarg_! Saloni is also a Computer Science undergrad, a Mozilla Open Leader and a Google Venkat Scholar. We're both honored and excited to talk with Saloni about Open source!
volkswagen - for when you just need to pass your tests
Today's tip is a nice, useful satirical Open Source repository for when you need to fake it to make it.
Today's tip is a nice, useful satirical Open Source repository for when you need to fake it to make it.
Interview with Maxim Salnikov
Today's interview is with @webmaxru. Maxim works at @MicrosoftNorge in Developer Relations and is active in the Progressive Web App (#PWA) scene. He also organizes @ngVikingsConf & @mobileeraconf confs, @AngularOslo & @MobileOslo meetups, and is a @GoogleDevExpert.
Today's interview is with @webmaxru. Maxim works at @MicrosoftNorge in Developer Relations and is active in the Progressive Web App (#PWA) scene. He also organizes @ngVikingsConf & @mobileeraconf confs, @AngularOslo & @MobileOslo meetups, and is a @GoogleDevExpert.
Interview with Mikael Brevik
Today's interview is with @mikaelbrevik. Mikael is an Open source maintainer, the organizer of @_bartjs , host of the podcast @kortslutningpod, video-blog @kodesnutt and works at @variant_as.
Today's interview is with @mikaelbrevik. Mikael is an Open source maintainer, the organizer of @_bartjs , host of the podcast @kortslutningpod, video-blog @kodesnutt and works at @variant_as.
Interview with Christian Alfoni
Today's interview is with @christianalfoni. Christian is a developer and creator of overmindjs.org and cerebraljs.com, and works at @codesandbox.
Today's interview is with @christianalfoni. Christian is a developer and creator of overmindjs.org and cerebraljs.com, and works at @codesandbox.