Vetle Bu Solgård
8 innlegg
Produkteier vs. Produktleder
Flere virksomheter i Norge står midt i en transformasjon inspirert av boken “Transformed” til Marty Cagan, og mange steder har man startet å bruke ord og utrykk fra "produktmodellen" (product operating model). Vi har fått nye roller, som til forveksling og forvirring kan se ut som en ren omdøping av gamle roller. Blant dem produktleder, der selve navnet uheldigvis ligner på produkteier, men som i realiteten er noe helt annet. For å gå fra å være en produkteier til en produktleder, krever det en stor endring i hvordan man gjør jobben sin.
Flere virksomheter i Norge står midt i en transformasjon inspirert av boken “Transformed” til Marty Cagan, og mange steder har man startet å bruke ord og utrykk fra "produktmodellen" (product operating model). Vi har fått nye roller, som til forveksling og forvirring kan se ut som en ren omdøping av gamle roller. Blant dem produktleder, der selve navnet uheldigvis ligner på produkteier, men som i realiteten er noe helt annet. For å gå fra å være en produkteier til en produktleder, krever det en stor endring i hvordan man gjør jobben sin.
The evolution of how we host our applications
How did the container become so ubiquitous in application hosting? Most people know that they're used to run an application, but can't a virtual machine also do that? Why did we ever move away from hosting our applications on a physical server ourselves? Let's explore how we have previously hosted our applications, and why we transcended into containerised software!
How did the container become so ubiquitous in application hosting? Most people know that they're used to run an application, but can't a virtual machine also do that? Why did we ever move away from hosting our applications on a physical server ourselves? Let's explore how we have previously hosted our applications, and why we transcended into containerised software!
Greater type safety with opaque types!
It may become tedious to always check if a value in your records is on the supposed format. To be absolutely certain that a value correctly represents a property in your records, we can use opaque types!
It may become tedious to always check if a value in your records is on the supposed format. To be absolutely certain that a value correctly represents a property in your records, we can use opaque types!
Partial application of functions!
Currying (👈 which you read about in yesterday's post) enables partial application, which lets us split up functions into small logical building blocks which are easier to both read and work with.
Currying (👈 which you read about in yesterday's post) enables partial application, which lets us split up functions into small logical building blocks which are easier to both read and work with.
Coroutines channels🔥 and flow❄️
Disecting the very important details of coroutines
Coroutines intro
On the second day of KotlinConf
KotlinConf 2019 is over. Two fantastic days of talks, announcements, conversations and more. Here are some of the highlights from the product announcement on day 1 and the whole of day 2.
KotlinConf 2019 is over. Two fantastic days of talks, announcements, conversations and more. Here are some of the highlights from the product announcement on day 1 and the whole of day 2.