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3 innlegg
Lord of the pipes
If the bulk of your programming experience comes from C-like languages, there’s a chance you find pipes, |>and <| some of the most distinct features of Elm. Roll up your sleeves, it's time to master the art of piping.
If the bulk of your programming experience comes from C-like languages, there’s a chance you find pipes, |>and <| some of the most distinct features of Elm. Roll up your sleeves, it's time to master the art of piping.
Unpacking Records
Records in Elm are quite like JavaScript objects. In ES6, destructuring objects can produce compact and concise code. This article explores some techniques that Elm offers to the same effect.
Records in Elm are quite like JavaScript objects. In ES6, destructuring objects can produce compact and concise code. This article explores some techniques that Elm offers to the same effect.
Once, twice, three times a value
Welcome to the Elm christmas calendar, and to the first of 24 articles that will teach you some tricks and useful concepts you might not already know. Today we are discussing Tuples. It is perhaps Elm's simplest way of structuring data. We also introduce a concept recurring across several days; pattern matching, or destructuring. The first use-case is pattern matching of tuples in function declarations.
Welcome to the Elm christmas calendar, and to the first of 24 articles that will teach you some tricks and useful concepts you might not already know. Today we are discussing Tuples. It is perhaps Elm's simplest way of structuring data. We also introduce a concept recurring across several days; pattern matching, or destructuring. The first use-case is pattern matching of tuples in function declarations.