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Christian Young

    2 innlegg

    Når bør du ikke bruke OKR?

    Målstyring, OKR
    Artikkel (5 min)
    Fra Christian Young

    Jobber produktteamet ditt målstyrt etter f.eks. OKR? Har du kjent på at det noen ganger føles som at du kaster litt prosess på noe uten å få noe igjen for det? Det har jeg, og det er sannsynlig at du bruker OKR på feil ting!

    Can you save money with the Azure SQL Serverless tier?

    Artikkel (9 min)
    Fra Christian Young

    When using fully-managed Azure SQL databases, there are mainly two different cost/resource models to choose between. In my team, we have been running the Standard tier, which has a fixed amount of resources provisioned, and thus a predictable fixed cost. The alternative is the Serverless tier that scales the database on demand, and instead, you pay-per-use. One of our important production databases uses a lot of computing power while performing various tasks once every morning, and then smaller sporadic load the rest of the day and night. A good fit for the Serverless tier? Could we achieve the same performance at a reduced cost? Read on, and I will let you in on what I figured out.